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Phenylacetonitrile, commonly known as benzyl cyanide, is flammable and irritating. After inhalation, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, upper respiratory tract irritation, loss of consciousness, etc., can cause death, mainly Used in organic synthesis.
Chemical properties
Incompatibility: strong oxidizing agent, strong reducing agent, strong acid, strong base
Nature and stability
It has the general chemical properties of nitrile. Sodium thiosulfate has a detoxification effect on this product.
Stability Stable
Incompatibility Strong oxidizing agent, strong reducing agent, strong acid, strong base
Polymerization hazards, no polymerization
Storage method
Storage precautions: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Keep the container tightly closed. It should be stored separately from oxidants, reducing agents, acids, and edible chemicals, and avoid mixed storage. Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable storage materials.
Use purpose
Used in the production of pharmaceuticals and pesticides intermediates phenylacetic acid, phenethylamine, diphenylacetonitrile, α-phenylacetamide, ethyl phenylacetate, β-phenylethanol, phenylacetaldehyde, o-ethylphenylbenzoic acid, α-chloride Ethyl phenylacetate, etc., used in the manufacture of phoxim, Daofengsan, penicillin, phenobarbital, etc.
Hazard overview
Health hazards: The toxicity is similar to that of hydrocyanic acid, and it has a local irritation effect. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, upper respiratory tract irritation, loss of consciousness after inhalation can cause death. Irritating to eyes and skin. Can be quickly absorbed through the skin. Oral administration may have symptoms of digestive tract irritation.
Environmental hazards: Hazardous to the environment and may cause pollution to water bodies.
Explosion hazard: The substance is flammable, highly toxic and irritating.

First aid measures
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing immediately, and rinse thoroughly with running water or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution for at least 20 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Eye contact: Lift the eyelid and rinse with running water or normal saline. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: quickly leave the scene to a place with fresh air. Keep the airway unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. When breathing and heartbeat stop, immediately perform artificial respiration (do not use mouth-to-mouth) and chest heart compression. Give inhaled isoamyl nitrite and seek medical attention.
Ingestion: Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Use 1:5000 potassium permanganate or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution for gastric lavage. Seek medical attention.
Fire-fighting measures
Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide.
Extinguishing method: Use alcohol-resistant foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, and sand to extinguish the fire. Prohibit the use of acid-base fire extinguishing agents.
Protection measures
Engineering control: Strictly enclosed, providing adequate local exhaust and comprehensive ventilation. Be as mechanized and automated as possible. Provide safety shower and eyewash equipment.
Respiratory protection: When you may be exposed to its vapor, you should wear a self-priming filter gas mask (full face mask). It is recommended to wear an air respirator during emergency rescue or evacuation.
Eye protection: wear chemical safety glasses.
Body protection: wear polyethylene anti-virus clothing.
Hand protection: Wear rubber and oil-resistant gloves.
Other protection: smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited at the work site. After the work is finished, clean it thoroughly. The workshop should be equipped with first aid equipment and medicines. Store clothes contaminated by poisons separately and wash them for later use. Operators should learn to help each other by themselves.
Leak handling
Emergency treatment: Quickly evacuate personnel from the contaminated area to a safe area, isolate them, and strictly restrict access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency response personnel wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and anti-virus suits. Do not directly touch the leakage. Cut off the source of leakage as much as possible. Prevent entry into restricted spaces such as sewers and flood drains. Small leakage: Use sand or other non-combustible materials to absorb or absorb. A large number of leaks: build a dike or dig a pit for storage. Use a pump to transfer to a tanker or a special collector for recycling or transport to a waste disposal site for disposal.
Operational disposal: Strictly close tightly, provide sufficient local exhaust and comprehensive ventilation. The operation is as mechanized and automated as possible. Operators must undergo special training and strictly abide by the operating procedures. It is recommended that operators wear self-priming filter gas masks (full face masks), chemical safety glasses, polyethylene gas protective clothing, and rubber oil-resistant gloves. Keep away from fire and heat sources, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent the vapor from leaking into the air in the workplace. Avoid contact with oxidants, reducing agents and acids. During filling, the flow rate should be controlled, and there should be a grounding device to prevent static electricity from accumulating. Equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. Empty containers may be harmful residues.
 Storage method
Storage precautions: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Keep the container tightly closed. It should be stored separately from oxidants, reducing agents, acids, and edible chemicals, and avoid mixed storage. Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable storage materials. The "five pairs" management system for extremely toxic substances should be strictly implemented.
Refer to relevant national and local regulations before disposal. It is recommended to use incineration for disposal. The nitrogen oxides discharged from the incinerator are removed by scrubbers.
Transportation information
Packaging method
Small opening steel drum; ordinary wooden box outside of screw-top glass bottle, iron-capped glass bottle, plastic bottle or metal bucket (can); screw-top glass bottle, plastic bottle or tin-plated steel drum (can) outside with flowers on the bottom Lattice box, fiberboard box or plywood box.
Transportation attention
During railway transportation, the dangerous goods shall be installed strictly in accordance with the dangerous goods distribution table in the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods" of the Ministry of Railways. Before transportation, check whether the packaging container is complete and sealed. During transportation, ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall, or be damaged. Mixed transportation with acids, oxidants, food and food additives is strictly prohibited. Transport vehicles should be equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment during transportation. Avoid exposure to the sun, rain, and high temperature during transportation. When transporting by road, follow the prescribed route and do not stop in residential or densely populated areas.

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